Max Total Supply
979,079,901 MNL

A fireplace or hearth is a structure made of brick, stone or metal designed to contain a fire. Fireplaces are used for the relaxing ambiance they create and for heating a room. Modern fireplaces vary in heat efficiency, depending on the design. 

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Does Money Make You Happy?

Research shows that money can alleviate stress and improve life satisfaction. But those benefits will start to taper off after a certain point. A higher income level provides financial security and access to resources and opportunities but doesn't guarantee enduring happiness. 

Living without money runs counter to most of our cultural understandings of success and happiness; however, it is a choice that more and more people are leaning towards. In addition to a decrease in stress over financial concerns, living without money offers many possible benefits such as reducing your environmental impact, increasing your understanding and appreciation of what you have, and helping you live a more purposeful life. Even if you decide that you cannot live entirely without spending money, these techniques will help you reduce wastefulness in your life.

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